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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

New Post

Thought I would make a new post for my followers haha, just to let you know what im hoping to do with this blog.

As the name suggests obviously this is just going to be a random assortment of crap but good crap, I plan on putting up a movie review for each new movie i watch and I guess some from movies i watched in the past, I actually took the leap and downloaded "GOZU" and "A Serbian Film"... now im not exactly looking forward to serbian one because I have been told what it contains... but i will watch it and review it for you guys to save you the trouble of making your eyes bleed... and of course with takashi miike being one of my favourite directors of all time i figured it was time i watched gozu.

Expect more Alt Art type pictures, some funnies, random rants (mostly about me hating teenagers and being a grumpy old man at the ripe old age of 21). Enjoy


  1. Can't wait to see the art :)

  2. Sounds good man, looking forward to it....

  3. Awesome blog man! Keep up the good work! It will pay off!

  4. I'm waiting for the next updates!

  5. I think movie reviews will work great. Please post more and keep updating!
